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Jun 3rd 2019
People are raging over the new #HelloKitty #Tetris production, who just was a reskin of the free Tetris Marathon game in It was followed with the shutdown of @tetrisfriends, 3 days before.
But the writing was on the wall for years, now.
TTC laid off 2/5th of their Online devs in 2013.
Arena, the live PvP mode, was still in "Beta" and never got out of it. After that, they only closed the Rubies loopholes found by the users, while shoving as much ads and malwares as they could in the site.…
Then, the whole @Ubisoft's #TetrisUltimate clusterfuck, when the game was über hyped at E3, with Pajitnov, Rogers, and @harddrop (Blink) showcasing the game live. Results, the game came with tons of bugs. Here's the game's state at release.
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