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Nov 7th 2020
This tweet is dedicated to the many Biden campaign team that have worked tirelessly to get us to this moment!

@CristobalJAlex one of Biden's earliest and tireless staff has been on the trail for a very long time and sacrificed a lot, esp time away from Tai + Baby Boss
I think it's so important to lift up the 4 Latinx state directors of the new soon to be blue wall in the southwest
@thejessicamejia in Arizona, @alanamounce in Nevada, @ErnieApreza in Colorado and #RaulAlvillar in New Mexico.
To @JulieR2019 who joined post primary after being on the road at @KamalaHarris side. She has been a total #GSD soldier and proud of her as a history making Deputy CM.

@pilitobar87 @JenMolina_v @munozka315
and the comms team
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