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Dec 20th 2019
1/ Okay, round 2 of my #BackOfTheEnvelope with NHANES. A reminder this is associational data.

Time for just a little more #RealTimeScience...

I have an awesome new chart, but don't let it intimidate you. We'll talk it out in the following tweets...
2/ You might want to open that chart above in a separate window.

And in case you want to know how we got here -- it was earlier with this thread:

Now down to business...
3/ Column A is the stratification, B the age range- which includes offsetting to get age parity with the averages, C is the actual average age, and D is of course the total count (N).

Column E is the total % mortality per year of followup, but now we have a further break down...
Read 6 tweets
Dec 19th 2019
1/ Okay, new computer is set up. Time to take it for a test run with some #RealtimeScience. I'm going to do some power crunching with NHANES live for a little bit and see how this baby handles...

Feel free to follow along!

[Warning: this thread may have much meandering.]
2/ First, I need to confirm parameters have all the 40,442 in the dataset, and indeed they do when I have everything open-ended...

As always, I caveat that this is very back-of-the-envelope and invite any/everyone to check my work/math and contribute to the conversation. :)

There you go -- higher LDL equals less % survival. ;)

Ah... but there's a couple catches when doing the analysis this way...
Read 23 tweets

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