Time for just a little more #RealTimeScience...
I have an awesome new chart, but don't let it intimidate you. We'll talk it out in the following tweets...

And in case you want to know how we got here -- it was earlier with this thread:
Now down to business...
Column E is the total % mortality per year of followup, but now we have a further break down...
Alas, F ("All other causes") is the misc. basket and when asking about it, I hear there are many ways something can get coded there. But generally, I hear all such ways are when it is not a distinct dx such as a clear heart attack.
Based on the above chart, which LDL grouping has the highest rate of death by "Diseases of heart"?
Based on the above chart, which LDL grouping has the highest rate of death by "Malignant neoplasm"? (Cancer)