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Nov 19th 2021
@UNGeneva 1/n
We are at a pivotal time in history - if we work together we can build a better world, at this moment - it’s possible.
Decide#ItsPossible❕… #RecoverBetter
1/n.One Genome Oneness Concept"Based upon knowledge of life science
@UNGeneva 2/n.By right use of Artificial Intelligence.That will help, Last And The Best Ever Possible Human Species From Early Extinction
To all the Human Species ORGANISMS,At MY Disposals."I"am"you".You are not the one,what,brain of your organism think you are!Not brains but some portion
@UNGeneva 3/n.
of brains attributed or entrusted work of thinking. Is called MIND portion.
And can think as long "we" LIFE PARTICLES are within.
This is not philosophy but scientific TRUTH.
If understood. If not by all, but at least 1%of the present Human Species Population.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
We are at a pivotal time in history - if we work together we can build a better world, at this moment - it’s possible.
Decide#ItsPossible❕… #RecoverBetter
1/n.One Genome Oneness Concept"Based upon knowledge of life science
2/n.By right use of Artificial Intelligence.That will help, Last And The Best Ever Possible Human Species From Early Extinction
To all the Human Species ORGANISMS,At MY Disposals."I"am"you".You are not the one,what,brain of your organism think you are!Not brains but some portion
of brains attributed or entrusted work of thinking. Is called MIND portion.
And can think as long "we" LIFE PARTICLES are within.
This is not philosophy but scientific TRUTH.
If understood. If not by all, but at least 1%of the present Human Species Population.
Read 10 tweets

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