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Dec 20th 2021
Abir Ballan was suspended from Twitter for revealing the influence of a $40m donation on the conclusion of a study on the effectiveness of Ivermectin.

Can you see the game yet? This is the pharmaceutical industrial complex at play.

#reinstateAbir #freespeech #anticorruption
Read 5 tweets
Dec 18th 2021
The COVID-19 event involves unprecedented levels of propaganda, achieved largely through deception *and* censorship. Here @abirballan has been banned from @twitter for relaying clear evidence of scientific fraud. #reinstateabir
1) The issue in question, reported in detail in @RobertKennedyJr's new book on Fauci, involves Dr Tess Lawrie's whistleblowing w.r.t. the suppression of safe and effective treatments and the corrupt conduct of Dr Andrew Hill:…
2) And see here also:
Read 9 tweets

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