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Oct 13th 2021
A thread on what caught my eye from the @WhiteHouse's Fact Sheet on 'Ongoing Public U.S. Efforts to Counter #Ransomware'.

#InThaCybers #CyberDiplomacy
The second paras describe the national security threat posed by ransomware and the global nature of that threat. No surprises here.
Counter-ransomware policy = Multi-stakeholder by design.

The state must work with industry and other states because of inherent technological and economic realities.

Plus, it takes a network to take down a network like a transnational ransomware gang.
Read 18 tweets
Oct 13th 2021
Okay so I've had a chance to go through the Cth government's Ransomware Action Plan.

Here's a thread comprising some of my thoughts thereon.

#InThaCybers #Ransomware
I applaud the Cth for finally delivering this document, given the severity of the national security threat posed by the ransomware ecosystem.

A threat which the Minister for Home Affairs, @karenandrewsmp, highlights in her foreword.
The Action Plan rightly acknowledges the nature of counter-ransomware policy as multi-stakeholder by design.

That is, the state working with domestic partners and overseas partners.
Read 28 tweets

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