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May 28th 2020
A few months back, I got pulled over by a cop. I was nervous, of course. But I knew, in that moment, that I didn’t need to fear for my life--my skin color is light. He was polite, maybe even friendly. Gave me a ticket, wished me a good afternoon, even, and I was on my way.

Not interacting with the law often, my heart was still racing as I drove away. And I was thinking about how lucky I was to be born this way. I had seen Queen & Slim recently, and the early pivotal scene in that movie was replaying in my head.

I saw Jodie Turner-Smith’s eyes, pleading with Daniel Kaluya’s character to not challenge the officer. I saw the officer getting angry, trying to assert dominance, and I saw Kaluya’s character fight back.

I was grateful for the stark contrast to what I had experienced.

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