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Aug 30th 2019
As Dorian is being is tracked I thought it would be a good time to reshare @njstandupspeak "Long Road Home" along with the very personal side of severe weather and climate chaos. It's my own personal story. 1/…
I'm a Jersey girl. There is no doubt about that. I'm half Portuguese but grew up in South Jersey but that's another thread. My mother is a Rhody. I spent my summers in Ocean Citu, NJ and in Narragansett, RI. My grandmother's house sat on Narrow River. 2/
I had a relationship with water- salt or fresh. But salt water was always like a dear friend; healing my body & spirit, embracing me in the warmest of hugs, daring my sense of adventure. I was always *home* of I was on the sand. My uncles taught us to fish. My grandmother 3/
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