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May 22nd 2023
Recently, Netflix released the film "Kathal," lauded by many as a heartwarming satire addressing caste prejudices and gender bias. Intrigued, I decided to watch it. However, the film left me exhausted and unsatisfied. #FilmReview #Kathal #CastePrejudice…
While the actors delivered decent performances, the storyline was mediocre at best, with tasteless humor sprinkled here and there. It's puzzling why so many reviewers praised the film for addressing casteism, when most of them come from privileged castes. #SavarnaGaze
"Kathal" lacks a deep understanding of how caste functions in rural spaces. The film's creative team treats caste issues superficially, as if it were a trending topic to capitalize on. Stereotypical scenes about caste discrimination feel performative and inauthentic.
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