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Feb 27th 2023
The protest of NREGA workers led by @NREGA_Sangharsh enters the 15th day. Today, at Jantar Mantar, the Paschim Bengal Khet Majoor Samity is protesting against the corruption, introduction of NMMS App and ABPS in NREGS.

Addressing the workers, Rakhi Sehgal, Trade Unionist and labour researcher said that Government knows it really well that getting PDS through Aadhaar is quite difficult, still it decided to introduce the ABPs in NAREGA to make it more inefficient and problematic for workers
Sandhiya Kumari, a NAREGA worker from WB has not been paid since February, 2022 for the work that she did in NREGA.

This is quite disturbing to note that NRGA workers in WB have not been paid for years.
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