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Feb 27th 2023
The protest of NREGA workers led by @NREGA_Sangharsh enters the 15th day. Today, at Jantar Mantar, the Paschim Bengal Khet Majoor Samity is protesting against the corruption, introduction of NMMS App and ABPS in NREGS.

Addressing the workers, Rakhi Sehgal, Trade Unionist and labour researcher said that Government knows it really well that getting PDS through Aadhaar is quite difficult, still it decided to introduce the ABPs in NAREGA to make it more inefficient and problematic for workers
Sandhiya Kumari, a NAREGA worker from WB has not been paid since February, 2022 for the work that she did in NREGA.

This is quite disturbing to note that NRGA workers in WB have not been paid for years.
Read 20 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
1/7: Very quick reading of #Budget2023-

🔸The #FinanceMinister claimed that #PMAwasYojana has jumped by 66%. In reality, allocations have dropped by 11% from ₹90K cr (AE 2021-22) to ₹79.5K (this year)

How many more jumlas will the @BJP4India Govt throw at India?
2/7: Not a single word in the FM’s speech for workers/labourers. Plus, only 0.1% allocation to Labour Ministry. Additionally, budget for the Employees Pension Scheme has halved, from ₹18,478 crores (AE 2021-22 to ₹9167 this year).

Na kaam karunga, na karne dunga?
3/7: For a Govt that claims to be pro-poor, it’s strange that allocations for #MGNREGA have dropped from ₹98,468 crores (AE 2021-22) to ₹60,000 crores this year.

That’s a drop of ₹38,468 crores at a time when more Indians depend on #NREGA for subsistence.
Read 7 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
Weekly Infographics (1/7):

Unmet demand is consistently rising - this excludes the demand that is never even registered, hence missed from the data.
For #NREGA that guarantees 100 days of work, abysmally low proportion completed 100 days

#रोजगार_गारंटी_बढ़ाओ Image
The avg persondays that can be generated for each HH active that year, based on the budget allocation:

In last 5 FYs, highest no. of PDs possible is mere 54. Even in 20-21, when pandemic led to soaring #MGNREGA demand and revised budget was highest ever,avg was 49 days of work Image
Weekly Inforgraphic (2/7): Increase in rate of #Rural_Inflation is greater than increase in #NREGA wage rate in 4 out of last 5 years. The gap between the two is also increasing.

नरेगा मज़दूरी न्यूनतम मज़दूरी से कम क्यों ?

@MoRD_GoI Image
Read 13 tweets
Dec 1st 2020
Happy to show my latest work with @_SudhaNarayanan & @shreesaha00 on #NREGA in @Ideas4India & @firstpost
hopefully of interest to @rozi_roti @aashishg_ @Ugentilini @AninditaAdhik13 @StrandedWorkers
Our findings related 2 #poverty and #migration are below…
In the wake of the #COVID19 lockdown and the large-scale return of #Migrant workers to rural areas, #NREGA played a crucial role. After lockdown restrictions in April 2020, #NREGA person-days expanded substantially before they reduced back to pre-lockdown levels
Are these additional person-days distributed across districts in ways that are commensurate with their population shares of #outmigration and #poverty ?
This is important in a context where historically poorer states have utilised less funds than richer states. 5 major findings:
Read 12 tweets
Jun 19th 2020
Received a call from Mr @HardeepSPuri, Hon Min of State for Commerce and Industry, GOI today afternoon. Had a long discussion with him on the steps to Revive the Economy and submitted my inputs for his consideration. (1/n)
Following were my inputs:
1. All announcements made as part of #AtmaNirbharBharat Package were about liquidity infusion & making cash available through Financial Institutions. The focus on demand side is lacking. Govt has to put money in people's hands. (2/n)
2. Govt can categorize sectors into 'minor affected', 'medium affected' & 'severely affected'. Help can be extend to a particular sector either in the form of financial or taxation or others forms based on the category under which a sector falls. (3/n)
Read 18 tweets
Mar 22nd 2020
On the business front and absolute sales in stores this Qtr, barring Jan/Feb ( Which were normal as per expectation) March so far has seen good growth across segements. March was good due to advanced buying by most of the customers..
We need to worry about rest of March and 1st Qtr of next FY considering the #Corona fear stays till mid of May. How much damage it can cause in terms of supply and damand situation across the country. A well calibareated policies from Govt can change things in a big way.
Major points....

1) Since informal sector contributes 80% of Indias working class. A direct transfer thru #NREGA #Jandhan is need of hour.

2) An income tax waive off for atleast 6 months starting Aprt to to Jun help to stabilize demand and consumption. (2.5 lakh cr deficit)
Read 9 tweets
Feb 29th 2020
.@SakinaDH begins the first session on NREGA with notes on "Aadhaar in Digital Payments" Image
Now at the #AadhaarTribunal : a brief explanation not how DBTs function with aadhaar. Image
There is no mechanism to even address or find out what went wrong or how we can fix it. People faced problems in the system are clueless and have nowhere to go.
Read 14 tweets
Jan 19th 2019
(1/n) The launch of 'Dissent on Aadhaar: Big Data Meets Big Brother' is about to begin.

Justice AP Shah launches the book!
Justice Shah: "It would be right to say the issue of data privacy is complex and split down the middle."
Read 67 tweets

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