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May 18th 2021
Muslims saving Jews from Nazis during Holocaust:
- Si Kaddour Benghabrit, the Rector of the Great Mosque of Paris, helped from 100 to 500 Jews disguise themselves as Muslims.
- Egyptian doctor, Mohammed Helmy, saved the life of Anna Gutman and her

#SaveGazaFromZionists putting himself and his own family at risk in Egypt for 3 years
- Si Ali Sakkat, sheltered 60 jews who escaped a Nazi labour camp in his farm for 3 years at Tunis till Germans withdrew from N Africa
- Refik Veseli; only 17, saved a Jewish family who migrated from...2/6
Belgrade by sheltering them in his village in Albania, inspiring his villagers to shelter more Jews from the Axis occupation forces
- Khaled Abdul Wahab from Mahdia, Algeria, saved dozens of Jews families by sheltering them in his farm. Used his position as an interlocutor 3/6
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