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Jun 11th 2021
Wow right before the high stakes #2022 elections the #txlege lawmakers voted to make it a LOT easier for them to travel on state aircraft, and guess who gets to pay for it. Yep, YOU. It’s in #HB3388 and it’s sitting on @GregAbbott_TX’s desk awaiting a signature or a #veto 1/
Would love to hear from #txlege @SenatorNichols why he wanted to make it way easier for state officials & politicians to fly on state aircraft on taxpayers’ dime. Under his amendment you just gotta prove you have timely “obligations” or get @TxDPS to say safety requires it 2/
This bill (#HB3388) helping politicians fly in state aircraft at your expense — like the double-dipping loophole in #SB321 — is yet another example of provisions benefitting #txlege lawmakers that were quietly slipped into bills. Now @GregAbbott_TX can sign or #veto 3/
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