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May 18th 2018
Lots of rumors going around about #Kilauea. Scared people make patterns to find safety, but we need to use science to tell us what patterns are real. This thread will have some basic facts about volcanoes. #ScienceForBetterDecisions.
1. Magna with more quartz is stickier, can grow into tall cone, traps gases & more likely to explode: Think Mt. St. Helens or Krakatoa. Low quartz magma, like Kilauea, create lava flows that travel out into a large, flatter shield volcano. Kilauea will not behave like St. Helens!
2. Volcanic explosions happen because gases are trapped and pressure builds up like a pressure cooker. These can be the gases produced by the volcano or steam from interacting with the ground water. At Kilauea, it is interaction with ground water that is causing the explosions.
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