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Jun 14th 2021
#SCOCZE Euro 2020 - Tactical Thread

Key Points:

- Czech take advantage of set piece & transitional weaknesses
- Dykes off the ball movement was crucial in Scotland's attacking phases
- Scotland's build up play is promising, but needs work

CC: @TacticalPad

#Euro2020 #SCO #CZE
Scotland's build up play was surprisingly progressive for a team that historically doesn't aim to play pretty football.

McTominay struggles as a lone pivot, so depending on the side of play, one of McGinn or Armstrong would drop from deeper from their half-space to help.
Czech Republic did great to keep McTominay out of the game. He was isolated & needed assistance. Having said that, when he got help in the build up phase, Scotland were able to play progressively.

Dykes/Christie drops deep to drag their marker out of position, creating space.
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