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Dec 13th 2019
New Rule: #IndiansAreNotRapists
This won't console victims, with lives destroyed or left in tatters, but #ShamelessSmriti & her Hindutvabots can deflect from problems & shoot the messenger. Let us celebrate New India, where rape is common but rapists are non-existent
Just 10 recent reports. Each survivor/victim lived a life up until rapist/molester(s) crossed paths with her. She'll never be the same; in some cases, she isn't even with us. Stop at every #RapeInIndia post & weep.

Doubtless you'll also find a way to rant abt Rahul Gandhi.
Hindu Nagar, Unnao, ~ Dec'18 - Dec'19
Rape/Murder Accused: Shivam/Shubham Trivedi, Raj Kishor & Hari Shankar, Umesh Bajpai
Here is all the trauma she endured in systematic caste violence & exploitation, BEFORE she was set ablaze.
But #IndiansAreNotRapists
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