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Sep 15th 2022
Hi @NYCComptroller @bradlander and @LizKrueger

#AsAJew, read the memo by Doug Scheinder on the multiple anti-Semitic and bigoted parts of the #ShapiroDossier.

If David Duke did it to African Americans, you wouldn't focus on the alleged "facts."

As a Jew, where are you now?
The #AsAJew crowd consists of people who on social/other media identify "As A Jew" only for their leftist politics and/or to pile onto Israel and Hasidim, but are publicly MIA on anything else Jewish. "As a Jew" Trump and a tweet from a small time white guy are bad. But...
those same Politically Leftist Jews are largely silent when almost all hate crimes against visibly Jewish people in NY the last 5 years were by non-whites. This does not fit their political agenda, so their #AsAJew tag gets put on ice. cc @bradlander @LizKrueger @JerryNadler
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