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Oct 23rd 2020
Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu
Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah🙏

On the 7th day of #Navratri, devotees worship Maa #Kalratri form of the Goddess #Durga.Maa governs #Shani, and is a source of eternal wisdom
#Navratri2020 #NavratriDay7
#Kalaratri is considered to be the most ferocious avatar of #NavDurga and is known for destroying ignorance and removing darkness from the universe.#MahaSaptami marks the major day when the Maa #Parvati transformed into the fiercest form to kill demons #Shumbha and #Nishumbha.
This Avatar of Maa #Parvati is described as a destructive form as her appearance is dark black, dishevelled hair, three eyes and four hands positioned in Abhaya and Varada mudra,mounted on an dark black donkey.
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