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Last week my 7 year old daughter was rushed to hospital with ‘Acute exacerbation of asthma’. Except it wasn’t.
It was #covid and she had a false negative tests.

I’m a qualified nurse - and I have been managing her asthma for years, I thought I knew what to look out for.

She had contact with a covid positive person
Dec 21st & developed a bit of a cough.

On the evening of 22nd Dec my husband heard her cough & went in to check on her. I called out for him to check her sats.

I only asked he check her sats because of a tweet that I’d seen.

It told me get prepared for #OMICRON wave.
1. Thermometer
2. Pulse oximeter
3. Watch 2 min video telling me when to be worried

(I already had thermometer, BP machine, nebuliser even a stethoscope - but I didn’t have a sats machine, so ordered one for my armoury).

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