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Oct 19th 2022
πŸ”₯ Insurance is the Achilles heel of the fossil fuel industry. A new #InsureOurFuture report published today finds that new coal power plants have become near uninsurable and that insurers have finally started to move away from oil and gas. A short 🧡 on leaders and laggards! πŸ”₯
So far 41 insurers, up from 36 last year, have adopted coal restrictions. πŸ“ˆ Their share of the reinsurance market has grown to 62% and much of the rest isn’t insuring coal anyway. Insurance capacity for coal has dwindled to $250m – 1/10 of the capacity for other power projects!
And 13 insurers, up from only 3 last year, have adopted restrictions on oil and gas. Their share of the reinsurance market has grown to 38%, up from 3% last year. 18 insurers have pledged not to insure the Trans Mountain pipeline and 18 have done the same for EACOP.
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