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How the Kikuyu constructed huts & the ceremonies attached to the process are fascinating. From the location, to the kind of wood & thatch used, to the partitions & placements of the different areas within the hut. Thought went into every facet of construction.

When a man wished to build a hut it was normal to call his pals and relas to help but not before he himself had begun the works. This was known as kwiarukira mwako and until he had he had no right to tumana for assistance. He must demonstrate willingness & ability to do the work
Hut building came with regulations. The builder & those helping him could not do the following during construction;
1. Eat meat sacrificed in connection with a death
2. Touch honey / honey beer
3. Have intercourse with any woman
4. Eat meat of an ox, bull or cow.

The builder
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