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Dec 23rd 2022
"The Defeat of Prince Aerilon": Conquered and at the mercy of the Kazani Horde, Prince Aerilon must sacrifice himself to save his principality of Dacaria. Is he ready to submit to Kazani customs and to the great Khaghan? #cmnm #gaychastity Image
"Prince Aerilon" (Part 2): Aerilon can hardly believe the whirlwind of change, from warrior prince to defeated prisoner — stripped, shaved, locked in chastity, forced to renounce his manhood and marry his enemy. He is now led into the Khaghan's harem as one of the concubines... ImageImageImageImage
"Prince Aerilon" (Part 3): Following the custom of the harem, prince Aerilon is stripped of everything but his loincloth, cage, and a pair of dainty shoes that he/she can barely walk in. Now as a princess-concubine, "Aerila" is learning the harem's pecking order and rules. #cmnm ImageImageImageImage
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Nov 11th 2022
"A Visit to Chastity Boy Island" (Part 1): Mauricio and his boyfriend Bradley are on a gay cruise are are preparing to disembark at Chastity Boy Island. Some of the guys are excited, others are nervous about what to expect. Image
"A Visit to Chastity Boy Island" (Part 2): Scotty and his boyfriend Jaxon have have been to the island twice before, so they are able to tell the other guys what to expect. ImageImageImageImage
"A Visit to Chastity Boy Island" (Part 3): The cruise ship has arrived at the island. The guys are directed to hand over all their luggage and clothing for storage as they line up nude for inspection. Sebastian continues to be worried about the measuring process. ImageImageImageImage
Read 57 tweets
Aug 18th 2021
"The Resort Illustrated" (Part 1): What should you expect if you decide to sign a 3-year contract to work at the Resort? #malechastity #robotification #mindcontrol #cuckold Image
"The Resort Illustrated" (Part 2): It all starts with a simple, iron-clad, three-year contract. Will you and your wife leave everything and everyone behind to earn $300,000 doing service work at a tropical paradise? #malechastity #robotification #mindcontrol #cuckold Image
"The Resort Illustrated" (Part 3): There's some prep work required before you can start working at the Resort, including a special diet, and certain personal restrictions... #malechastity #robotification #mindcontrol #cuckold Image
Read 11 tweets
Nov 10th 2019
The Resort (001)*: Barb and Joel Warner are given a job offer they can't refuse. If they agree to work 3 years at a tropical paradise, they'll make $300,000 each! However, there are just a few catches. (*Because Twitter only allows 4 pics per post, the chapter breaks are new.) Image
The Resort (002): Some catches: They won't be able to contact anyone off the island. While Joel will be doing menial labor for 3 years, Barb's only responsibilities as a hostess will be entertaining the Guests. And to prepare for a health exam, they must give up sex for 2 weeks! ImageImageImageImage
The Resort (003) Joel and Barb Warner have signed contracts to work at the Resort. They've spent two weeks wrapping up their lives as they prepare for their 3 year contract. Also, for two weeks they've gone without sex (including masturbation) which is making Joel very horny. ImageImageImageImage
Read 63 tweets

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