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May 13th 2020
A new #comet was discovered last month by amateur astronomer Micheal Mattiazzo from Australia. Just, he did not look at the sky to do so. He inspected images from #SOHO, our Solar and Heliospheric Observatory.

Meet C2020/F8, aka Comet SWAN πŸ‘‡πŸ‘
Details πŸ‘‰…
Here is a photo of the comet from 2 May πŸ‘‡
Today, it reached its closest approach to Earth at around 85 million km, and it is headed towards its closest point to the Sun on 27 May. It is now faintly visible to the naked eye. Will it become brighter?
It can be extremely difficult to predict the behaviour of comets, but scientists are hopeful that Comet SWAN will remain bright enough to see as it continues its journey. If it survives, star gazers should look for it near the bright star Capella in the constellation of Auriga β˜„οΈ
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