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Paul's Houseboy: A Degressol Story (Part 2): James has always considered himself an exclusive top, but since he's no longer contributing to the household income Paul has had enough of his swagger. #degressol #regression #muscletheft #toptobottom Image
Paul's Houseboy: A Degressol Story (Part 3): James has had his first Degressol shot, but he doesn't feel any different. He figures he's too much of a top to be affected by the drug. #degressol #regression #muscletheft #toptobottom ImageImageImage
Paul's Houseboy: A Degressol Story (Part 4): Feeling as confident and horny as ever after receiving his first Degressol shot, James proceeds to seduce and fuck his doctor. #degressol #regression #muscletheft #toptobottom ImageImageImage
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