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Jun 20th 2023
Too early to say what this means for @Moderna's #CMV (cytomegalovirus) mRNA vaccine candidate, which is already in Phase III trials. However, this preprint suggests CMV's pentameric gH/gL complex is not important for transplacental infection. #StopCMV 🤰 🧵…
CMV is notoriously difficult to vaccinate against. When he was still @pfizer, Phil Domitzer & colleagues "threw the book" at rhesus CMV --trying all leading vaccine strategies. The virus still infected, shed and transmitted horizontally just fine. 2/…
Moderna has focused its mRNA vaccine on gB (the viruses' membrane fusion protein, functionally analogous to the S2 domain of a coronavirus' Spike)..and on the receptor binding gH/gL complex that's commonly referred to as "the Pentamer" because it's made up of 5 glycoproteins. 3/
Read 13 tweets
Jul 1st 2021
In honor of it being the last day of June—which is CMV awareness month—let’s do a thread!

Human Cytomegalovirus, or HCMV, is a human herpesvirus related to HSV (herpes), VZV (chickenpox), and EBV (causes mono). But HCMV doesn’t get enough attention. #stopCMV 1/15
HCMV is ubiquitous, which is science jargon for common. By mid-adulthood, most people are infected with HCMV. Seroprevalence (the amount of people with HCMV-specific antibodies) is more than 85% worldwide. You probably have HCMV. 2/
Because HCMV is a herpesvirus, once you are infected, you are infected for life. This virus is suuuuuuuper sneaky and can hide out in various cells in your body forever. We can’t cure it right now (or any herpesvirus for that matter). 3/
Read 15 tweets

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