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Jul 29th 2020
Hey y'all! I'm Naomi Ko and I am one of the organizers for the #StartWith8Hollywood initiative, which pairs female-identifying filmmakers of color with mentors, gatekeepers, and decision makers. I would like to share some insight into our program for transparency. 1/13
The program is ✨FREE✨. No participant had to pay anything. Nothing. The other collaborators (@BiatchPack @manondereeper @MarisildaGarcia @Cheryl_CLBP @shelbykovant #SunnyTsai ) matched and coordinated over 600 meetings as volunteers. 2/13
From our own personal experience we know that the price to APPLY (not even participate, which I will get to that in a bit) is a barrier for WOC filmmakers and artists. Again this program is FREE! We're being called "radical" for this, but it really should be the standard. 3/13
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