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Aug 18th 2022
When does something stop being a game but instead turn into another kind of app with gamification applied?

That's the kind of questions I ask myself interacting with The Ssum.

#thessum Image
This is not a diss on the Ssum. It has many neat features and I'm enjoying using it. I'm asking because there are lifestyle apps such as @SuperBetter , @habitica , @forestapp_cc etc. that ratio just as much actual game functionality as I've seen so far in the Ssum.

#thessum ImageImageImage
There is, however, 1 glaring key difference between those 3 apps mentioned above and the Ssum.

The 3 other apps mentioned above are productivity tools that help you accomplish your goals IRL and reward you for them.

#thessum #habitica #superbetter #forest ImageImage
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