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Feb 3rd 2020
1) Virtue has disappeared in mainstream American Culture. Honesty. Discretion. Trust. Diligence. Fortitude. Civility. Tolerance. Courage, Temperance, Prudence Faith, Hope, Charity. #SuperBowlLIV #SuperBowl #SuperBowlHalftimeShow2020 #SuperBowlHalftimeShow
2) These virtues were the moral glue that gave the community meaning and stability and individuals a sense of responsibility and direction. #SuperBowlLIV #SuperBowl #SuperBowlHalftimeShow2020 #SuperBowlHalftimeShow
3) But today’s “progressive” leaders have rejected and ridiculed these core virtues, and replaced them with countless individual “rights,” social equality, and fuzzy values like “compassion” and “social justice.” #SuperBowlLIV #SuperBowl #JenniferLopez #SuperBowlHalftimeShow
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