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Mar 2nd 2023
This week we had students making #SuperBowl #AdBowl presentations where they apply marketing strategy lessons to the most expensive ads in the world.

One group focused on movie trailers that aired during the game. And talked about awareness vs persuasion vs reminder advertising.
They said it's easy to forget that a trailer is basically an ad. A 7-14 million ad. That will be on YouTube anyway. So what makes a studio spend that much money on just 1 ad that one Sunday? And what was common across the trailers?

Biggest commonality - Movie Franchises!
Almost all the trailers - Flash, Guardians, Creed, Transformers, Fast 10, Scream, Indy, AntMan, were part of multi movie franchises.

So they were a combination of awareness + reminder advertising. Not so much about persuasion, like in product ads. They were meant for fans.
Read 8 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
Hoy voy a explicar uno de los temas que más confunden a los fans de la #NFL: el SALARY CAP o espacio salarial.

¡Bienvenidos sus retweets y follows para llegar a más aficionados! 

Abro hilo. 1/?
Así se ve el salary cap o espacio salarial por equipo al 26 de febrero del 2022.

Estas cifras cambiarán MUCHO conforme nos acerquemos a agencia libre el 15 de marzo. 2/?
Pero, ¿qué es el salary cap?

Es el espacio o cantidad de dinero que los equipos pueden gastar en jugadores cada temporada, un techo que (en teoría) ningún equipo puede exceder al pagar a sus jugadores. 3/?
Read 64 tweets
Feb 18th 2023
Invest in your local newspaper by subscribing to it.

Many folks learned yesterday that @FoxNews is a propaganda arm of the Republican Party from its CEO right wing oligarch @rupertmurdoch

The @nytimes does not consider this front page worthy.


@Sulliview @MarkJacob16
This is a huge development. Credit to the @washingtonpost who see that the agenda-setting hate-for-profit network #fox lies at a massive scale is an important story.

Why @SallyBuzbee won’t say lies is an indictment of institutional weakness.

But +1 for putting this story A1
But what do @nycscribe & @AGSNYT do as Rupert Murdoch IN HIS OWN WORDS says that Fox is a political arm that will do all it can to help GOP?
Not front page.

But what is?
-rents in LA
-highlight NYC Progressives in disarray
@jeffjarvis @Will_Bunch @owillis @soledadobrien
Read 18 tweets
Feb 16th 2023
Momentos más #representativos de Bad Bunny @sanbenito
-Abro hilo Image
2013- Empezó a publicar sus canciones por medio de #SoundCloud entre ellas:
-Get (2013)
-Tentación (2014)
-Solo avísame (2015)
2016- #BadBunny lanzaba música como un artista independiente en #SoundCloud, donde su canción «Diles» llamó la atención del productor @DJLUIAN quien lo contrató para su sello discográfico Hear This Music.
Read 20 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
The @Chiefs won their second Super Bowl in four seasons with a dramatic second-half comeback against the @Eagles Sunday night.… Image
Mahomes, who hobbled into the halftime locker room with his reinjured ankle, emerged a hero in the second half, overcoming a tremendous effort by @Eagles QB Jalen Hurts and leading the Chiefs to scores on all of their second-half possessions.…
The Eagles’ big guys were dominating. Jalen Hurts was dealing. The Chiefs defense couldn’t leave the field.

And Patrick Mahomes' ankle?

“It didn’t feel good,” he said. “But I was leaving it all out there.”

@BillPlaschke on a heroic performance:…
Read 5 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
🟥👇 So those #SuperBowl #Jesus commercials? I actually don't really have issues with the commercials themselves. The messages are good. The problem is the people that are funding the group that's putting those messages together?

Funded by hate.
Then they donate to hate.

They give money they raise to the Servant group. Who funds religious hate.

Funders/Recipients? ALL RELIGIOUS HATE GROUPS. I do not mean they're a little hateful I mean they are HATE GROUPS disguised as religious groups.…

One of the recipientd is the ADF, it's one of the ones Justice Barrett hung out with, who actually wanted to make laws against #LGBTQIA people AND I mean LIKE THEY FUNDED legal efforts for sterilization laws overseas and recriminalization laws here.…

Read 5 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
This Eagles fan was PISSED!!!! 😳 #SuperBowl
Folks at NBC Sports Philly pissed as well:
Video taken via @1funnymike
Read 4 tweets
Feb 13th 2023
#BREAKING Kansas City Chiefs beat Philadelphia Eagles 38-35 in #SuperBowl
#UPDATE The Kansas City Chiefs rallied to beat the Philadelphia Eagles 38-35 in #SuperBowl 57 and claim their second NFL title in four seasons.

The Chiefs erased a 10-point halftime deficit to add the title to the one that capped their 2019 season
Patrick Mahomes and the Kansas City Chiefs overcame the inspired Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts to win their second #SuperBowl in four years with a 38-35 win in a magnificent contest
Read 4 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
okay im gonna pay attention and maybe ill start to catch onto the rules #superbowl
still not getting it
Read 7 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
Per chi volesse provare a vedere il #SuperBowl senza sapere le regole provo a farvi una minima infarinatura.
Le squadre a turno attaccano e difendono. La squadra che attacca deve avanzare verso la linea di meta mantenendo sempre il controllo della palla. Questo può avvenire...
...o portando avanti la palla correndo o lanciandola verso un compagno che la prenda al volo. La squadra attaccante ha 4 tentativi (downs) per riuscire ad avanzare almeno 10 yards (il campo ne ha 100). Se ci riesce ha altri 4 tentativi che partono dal punto dove è arrivata...
...Se avanzando riesce a correre con un suo uomo oltre la linea di meta o riesce a lanciare la palla a un suo uomo che la prenda al volo (sempre oltre la linea di meta) allora fa "touchdown" e vale 6 punti. Dopo il Touchdown si calcia la palla fra i pali e se ci si riesce c'è...
Read 6 tweets
Feb 12th 2023…
17 Arrested Blockading Light Rail Before Super Bowl LII in Minneapolis -- February 5 2018
Youth March Demands ‘Cops Out of Schools’ on Super Bowl Eve -- February 4, 2018…
Super Bowl Protests Continue as Water Protectors March on US Bank -- February 3, 2018…
Read 6 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
Como saben hoy es el #SuperBowl Asi que veamos cosas y datos interesantes de este evento:

•el costo del boleto más caro en el primer Súper Tazón era de $12 USD. Hoy el más barato no cuesta menos de $3600 USD. 

•El primer SuperBowl fue el 15 de enero de 1967 en el Memorial + Image
Coliseum en Los Ángeles y el ganador fue Green Packers.

•Mientras tanto, el primer gran espectáculo de medio tiempo ocurrió hasta 1993, y fue Michael Jackson quien se encargó de dar ese espectáculo. ImageImage
•El trofeo Vince Lombardi lo fabrica la prestigiosa marca Tiffany & Co. Se hace uno nuevo cada año y su producción cuesta alrededor de $50,000 USD. Aquí un artículo del proceso para hacerlo.… Image
Read 7 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
Everyone today is all about the #SuperBowl

Meanwhile, Im all about the passive income ( $10k+ in this single weekend) that Im going to make...

Let me explain (thread 👇) Image
As many of you know, my main business Online Ceos we help business owners make $50-100k/m EXTRA just from Instagram

And we have become pretty good at it (just see the testimonials on the link in bio)

We have produced on IG more than $50,000,000

I learned the hard way in 2019/2020 (went from Millionaire to working in a gas station), is that if you dont INVEST your money to make MORE, then you will lose it

Just take a look at the $ coming into your bank acc for the last year vs how much you have right now
Read 7 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
Hoy Durante este #SuperBowl habrá 2 comerciales cristianos buscando promocionar a la fe Cristiana, ojo acá: Solamente en USA. La campaña #HeGetsUs está buscando reclutar más cristianos en USA, esta campaña tiene un costo de $100 millones de dólares, ya que según ellos, el mundo+
Necesita más cristianos y no usar es dinero para mejorar la vida de personas (🙄) que más lo necesitan. En fin, el costo en promedio de un solo comercial durante el SuperBowl de solamente 30 segundos es de $7millones de dólares. Peroooo ¿y de que trata el comercial? Acá esta:
Este video tiene 25 millones de vistas en 11 meses, y los comentarios están bastante sospechosos. Hay unos bastante sarcásticos del tipo: “Me aleje de la iglesia hace años pero este comercial me ha hecho recapacitar”. En fin, aunque no se sabe bien bien qué onda con esta + ImageImageImage
Read 7 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
La primera vez que cubrí un juego de la NFL no sabía prácticamente nada de americano. Mi fuente era el basket, pero no iba a decir que no a un Rams-Cowboys
Estaba a nivel de cancha cuando veo un movimiento inusual: Todos los jugadores de la cancha salen y toda la banca entra.
Recuerdo que pensé: qué huevos del coach de sacar a todos y meter a la banca.
Pero no solo lo pensé si no que quise compartir mi sesudo análisis con el fotógrafo que me acompañaba.
Me miró con una mezcla de desilusión y burla y me dijo: de buenas que lo dijiste en español...
Lo que acaba de presenciar era por supuesto el simple cambio de la línea ofensiva. Ahora lo sé y agradezco la prudencia que evitó que compartiera mi asombro con más personas.
Después de eso me ocupé de entender el juego, incluso la diferencia entre 1 & 10 y 1 & goal...
Read 5 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
Live Tweeting #SuperBowlLVII 🧵
Because that’s what I like to do today. Gonna keep all my ramblings in this THREAD.
Read 43 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
A good Sunday morning to you #HoosierTwitter. In this week's Substack article, we're talking about the #SuperBowl…
Not to be a bummer, but the National Football League is a pretty horrific organization. You might not notice if you're only watching on Sundays, but if you look between the headlines, you'll find a multi-billion dollar empire built on exploitation. Image
Like the #MagicEye puzzles of the 90's, the underlying suffering is invisible unless seen from the right angle. Image
Read 6 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
1. Superbowl Thread - Super Bowl LVII: February 12, 2023, State Farm Stadium, Glendale, Arizona
Kansas City Chiefs v Philadelphia Eagles, featuring Rihanna #Rihanna #RihannaSuperBowl #CardiB #SuperBowl #SuperBowlLVII #chiefs #eagles #Illuminati
2. State Farm Stadium looks less like an eye than many, but apparently the roof does not retract. Stadiums are often sited on important leyline sites, as they are energy extraction sites used in rituals like the half time performances #SuperBowlLVII
3. Other stadia look more like the all seeing eye... #SuperBowl #SuperBowl2023
Read 36 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
🏈La #SuperBowl es un evento que en EEUU se disfruta como pocas cosas.

Hoy, de nuevo, se hincharan de cerveza 🍺, nachos 🍟 y hot dogs🌭 y cuando acabe, buscarán algo que ver en las plataformas que tengan contratadas.

Hace 14 años se encontraron con esta locura.😱
Esto es un #MakeEmLaugh reloaded y lo que habéis visto, un fragmento de un episodio de 'The Office', la adaptación americana de la serie de Ricky Gervais.

📺No es una escena cualquiera y más adelante la veremos entera.

Pero antes, retrocedamos hasta mediados de 2008. ⏪
📅El 1 de febrero de 2009 se iba a disputar la Superbowl, un espectáculo que siguen más de 100 millones de americanos, casi una tercera parte del país.

La NBC tenía los derechos de esa edición y sus directivos valoraban qué emitir después para aprovechar el tirón de audiencia.
Read 20 tweets
Feb 11th 2023

Breaking down the "real-world legal contract specifying the terms of the streaming royalties and guaranteeing real-world ownership for the NFT holder" for #Rihanna's #NFT offering, which dropped last week ahead of her #SuperBowl Halftime performance tomorrow.

The 300 royalty-linked NFTs were available for purchase last week at $210 a piece and quickly sold out. Each NFT provides holders with royalties from streaming revenues of her 2015 hit song, "B**** Better Have My Money," and some other goodies.…

The NFT Ownership Agreement for the Rihanna Bitch Better Have My Money NFT is linked here:


Read 14 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
It is incredibly hard for me to reconcile how people who are my abusers? Those same people also taught me a lot. I don't know what to do with that. Or how to reconcile it.
The husband and wife duo at Florida State University taught me poetry in 1999, 2000, 2001.

I applied to teach at FSU twice before I got the job.

The third time I saw the ad? I almost did not apply. Here's what I said to my partner:
Why would I apply for this job? I have already applied for this job twice and I have been turned down. Why would I submit myself to rejection, yet again, by the Department of English at FSU?

#AcademicJobMarket #AcademicTwitter
Read 30 tweets
Feb 11th 2023
¡Muy buenas tardes! ¿Qué planes tienen para el fin de semana?

Les invito a que me acompañen con toda la información más completa del día en #AzucenaxFórmula por el 104.1 FM, 1500 AM y o a través de tu estación local de @Radio_Formula ¡Les espero!
El secretario Luis Cresencio Sandoval informó que la brigada mexicana que se encuentra en Turquía ha logrado rescatar a tres personas con vida; los rescatistas mexicanos con ayuda de binomios caninos recuperaron 11 cuerpos #AzucenaxFórmula
En Durango, familiares de las 35 víctimas de meningitis marchan desde el boulevard Heroico Colegio Militar hasta el centro de convenciones bicentenario para exigir justicia y que se castigue a los verdaderos responsables #AzucenaxFórmula
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Feb 10th 2023
1/To be or not 2b?? That is the question!

Do you have questions about how to remember cervical lymph node anatomy & levels?

Here’s a #tweetorial to show you how--#Superbowl weekend edition!
#medtwitter #meded #neurorad #HNrad #FOAMed #FOAMrad #radres #radtwitter #ENT #radiology
2/Google cervical lymph node anatomy & you always get this anatomic picture w/the head flung back like a model posing.

But unless you live in LA, your patients don’t look like this & understanding anatomy from this image is difficult
3/First, you need to know how lymph node drainage works in the neck.

Nodes drain like rivers—smaller streams drain into larger rivers.

In the neck, there are outer circle nodes (peripheral) & inner circle nodes—both drain into the large river of the deep cervical nodes
Read 17 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
🏈 #SuperBowl Squares Stats
What are the best squares to have? Through 56 Super Bowl games, there have been a total of 224 1st quarter, halftime, 3rd quarter, and 4th quarter scores. Here’s how often each number 0 to 9 has appeared as one of the two winning digits in any quarter. Graphic. light blue bg, light football icon soft overlay. TiGraphic. light blue bg, light football icon soft overlay. TiGraphic. light blue bg, light football icon soft overlay. TiGraphic. light blue bg, light football icon soft overlay. Ti
... and another way of slicing it. Graphic. light blue bg, light football icon soft overlay. Ti
Some other cute facts for you:

• While 0-0 is the most-frequent winning 1st-quarter square, 0-0 has never been the winning square for a final score.

• The digits 1, 2, and 5 have never appeared in any combination for a 1st-quarter score in the history of the Super Bowl.
Read 4 tweets

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