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Jul 23rd 2019
"Life'll take you on a jaunt, Stilts. The gods are now summoning you to New Amsterdam. What'll you pack for the pilgrimage? Reckon some totems and scrolls. A snake sloughs off his skin to allow for further growth. To remove par-a-sites, k? Cast off the epidermis, KD. Hook thee." Image
“Universe don’t wait for nobody. Doesn’t need to. It’s incumbent upon us to listen to the cosmos, gentlemen. The goddess Artemis lords over the hunt. The moon and virginity, too. Our souls are just spinnin’ on Artemis’ meat spit, hombres. Take the ride”
"I want y'all to take a look at this coat of arms. This in-sig-ni-a, k? That FC stands for Free Cannabis. This ain't some dimebag of dirtweed from Skeeter down in Uvalde. We're talkin' fertility. Lush-ness. Roots slitherin' into Mother Earth's crust. Madre Tierra. Dig the brand." Image
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