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Jul 8th 2022
220708 Taeyong Bubble 🌹

"Gonna have work really hard this year too"

"The manager hyung who told me a team that's not number one is meaningless during debut"

"And the teacher who said if NCT fails today it's your fault in Malibu"

#TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
This moment
This year, I'll pour out everything I can do as a leader"

"I who honestly had a lot of pressure and burden will give the biggest burden and pressure out of the pressure and burden we had throughout 7 years"

#TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
"I want to prove that this team is possible not only because of me but because there are all the members. I want to work hard to bring out the expectations and energy of all the members"

"There's no company that releases 5 albums in a year"

#TAEYONG #태용 #태용버블 #툥블답장
Read 17 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
2022 Vol.5 [ ENG TRANS ]

2022 Vol.5 [ ENG TRANS ]

《 127’s Jobs at Cafe127 》

#NCT #태일 #TAEIL #テイル Image
2022 Vol.5 [ ENG TRANS ]

《 127’s Jobs at Cafe127 》

#NCT  #자니 #JOHNNY #ジャニ Image
Read 24 tweets
Jan 23rd 2022
blue ✦ a jaeyong au ✦

一 in which taeyong is a monochrome artist whose world is black and white until jaehyun comes along and makes a kaleidoscope out of it. ImageImageImageImage
✧ notes ✧

🌷 pls quote, don't reply
🌷 ignore time stamps
🌷 side ships included
🌷 soc media + narration
🌷 most pics used are not mine, credits to the respective owners!

⚠️ tw: family issues, mentions of a past toxic relationship
✧ playlist ✧…

✧ tags ✧

#nctau #nctaus #nctfic #jaeyong #jaeyongau #JAEHYUN #TAEYONG #정재현 #이태용

@nct_au_ @nctvarchive @ncityfics_ @nctficfic @nctaus_archive @kpopausrec

lastly, I hope you enjoy & feel free to send me your thoughts/questions 💖
Read 350 tweets
Apr 24th 2021
jaeyong filo au kung saan every week, may pinupuntahan sila jaehyun at taeyong na bagong restaurant. wag kayo mag-assume, hindi daw date yung ginagawa nila —

— nung una.

#JAEYONG #NCT #NCT127 ImageImageImageImage
— main characters

taeyong and jaehyun have been friends since high school. they were also accepted in the same college/university but they have different courses. ImageImage
Read 255 tweets
Feb 18th 2021
⭐210218 태용 인스타그램 개설


#태용 #TAEYONG Image
210218 ✨첫 게시물✨…

툥스타그램의 첫 게시물인만큼
링크타고 가셔서 계정에서도 많이 봐주시고
좋아요와 긍정적인 댓글 많이 달아주세요!💌
Read 131 tweets
Jan 31st 2021

#2NE1 Image
Read 273 tweets
Jul 31st 2020
200731 NCT127 Official Book Vol.2 📸
scan by @/ctctle
trans by @alientyong

— What I Love Now
Q: Who's your hero these days?
TY: My sister
200731 NCT127 Official Book Vol.2 📸
scan by @/ctctle
trans by @alientyong

— About Love Story
Q: Do you prefer to love or to be loved?
TY: I want to receive love
200731 NCT127 Official Book Vol.2 #TAEYONG

— If...
Q: What would you like to be if you were reborn?
TY: My mom's son

Q: What if you won 100 Million yen in the lottery?
TY: I would buy a house for my mom
Read 8 tweets
Jun 12th 2020
💌 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝟏𝟐𝟕 : 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟔𝟏𝟐 💌
@NCTsmtown_127 #NCT127

1. SBSNOW Twitter | #JAEHYUN Inkigayo MC Cut (Thread)

2. SBSNOW Youtube | #JAEHYUN Inkigayo MC Cut

(cont’d) @NCTsmtown_127 #NCT127

3. Nature Republic Instagram | #TAEIL Birthday Wishes from NR

4. SMTOWN &STORE Twitter | #TAEIL Birthday Necklace

(cont’d) @NCTsmtown_127 #NCT127

5. SBS KPOP Twitter | #JOHNNY 사심인가 Teaser

6. Nature Republic Instagram | #MARK #JOHNNY #YUTA

7. Nature Republic Youtube | #MARK #JOHNNY #YUTA

Read 7 tweets
May 11th 2020
˚✧₊ jaeyong tagalog au ⁺˳✧

wherein Jaehyun joins a twitter game and Taeyong didn't expect his answer. ImageImageImage

彡socmed au
彡timestamps? idk her
彡quote rt don't reply
彡enjoy reading!
彡dm me for questions/feedbacks

#nct #nctau #jaehyun #taeyong #jaeyong #jaeyongtagalogau #jaeyongau #socmedau
彡characters ImageImage
Read 325 tweets
Apr 4th 2020
˚✧₊ jaeyong exes au ⁺˳✧nct au

college is near and their school is known to pick the couple of the year annually. jaehyun badly wants to win and his ex is the only thing on his mind.

"nothing's gonna happen if we pretend that we never broke up in front of everyone, right?"

彡lots of angst
彡socmed + narrations
彡timestamps are irrelevant
彡quote rt don't reply
彡do not read if you are uncomfortable w/ some heavy emotional scenes
彡dm me for questions/feedbacks

#nct #jaeyong #jaehyun #taeyong #jaeyongau #nctau
彡 characters
Read 153 tweets
Mar 15th 2020
˚✧₊ jaeyong prince au ⁺˳✧ nct au

Jaehyun and Taeyong had a memorable summer together. They didn't have to worry about anything else, that's what they thought, except the fact that the North and South are rivals—and they have no idea about each other's true identity.

彡socmed + few narrations
彡sideships included
彡timestamps don't matter
彡quote rt don't reply
彡setting: korea, 2020
彡enjoy reading!
彡dm me for questions/feedbacks

#nct #jaeyong #jaehyun #taeyong #jaeyongau #nctau #socmed
彡 characters | THE KINGS
Read 265 tweets
Sep 9th 2019
🎞: Ilford Delta 3200

by choi jiwoong

🎞: Fuji Pro400H & Kodak Portra 400
📷: Contax G2, Hasselblad 500C (probably) with Vivitar soft focus filter

The photographer who was in charge for NCT127’s Regular-Irregular album and WayV’s debut album just posted these pics 💚

#winwin #윈윈 #엔시티 #nct127_regular_irregular
Read 10 tweets

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