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Sep 22nd 2021
And since I’m on the topic of #equinox , let’s talk about the #Pantheon here in #Rome - have you ever heard of helioarchitecure? Because it’s really cool. #talesofatourguide

🍂 First day of autumn - the autumn equinox is here!

🌕It is the equilibrium of day and night
🍂2/? -and this represents the light and darkness in our lives. The long summer nights have passed and we are now in a season of transition.

🏛What does this have to do with the Pantheon? It’s built according to helioarchitecture; architecture following the sun or its placements
3/?🌱Mainly the spring was considered as a safe reference to start certain agricultural works; so many days after the equinox, for example, some plants had to be pruned; after so many days, certain seeds had to be sown, and so on.

📅On the other hand, the equinoxes allowed to -
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