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Artist Billy Tucci drew and wrote a story about an American/Asian brigade sent to Bastogne to rescue embattled US troops. Then he added SGT Rock. But he fell in love with the real story about men who risked it all.
This is why I wanted to work with Billy for my graphic novel. Respect.…
Real people doing real things even if they are not the stereotypes we created. Roll Hard (True Stories from "licensed to kill, Hired guns in the war on terror")…
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Troll level 10. Trumpticians want to encourage white children to kill you. Image
FYI she’s a life coach. Now available after she lost to Pelosi. #TeachYourChildrenWell
Her ex-boyfriend Omar Navarro. People. Why is this not a reality show? Felon stalker Navarro has endorsements from Roger Stone, Michael Flynn, Joe Arpaio, Herman Cain, and Alex Jones.…
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