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Dec 6th 2019
A quick #thread about how I understand qualifying for the Dem debates work. I could be a bit off but you'll get the gist. @TheDemocrats say you have to qualify two ways: unique donors (people donating to your campaign who haven't before) & poll numbers at a certain threshold. 1/
Let's use @JulianCastro as an example. Strong policies, working hard meeting folks all over the US. But the media are focused on whoever the flavor of the week is. Right now it seems to be Mayor Pete. Pete gets the coverage, folks find out more about him, his poll numbers go up.
When you don't get media coverage, you have to spend more money to be heard. This is how Tom Steyer qualified for the Dec. debate. NO media is talking about Tom, but he's rich so he can buy ads. Folks see the ads & when polled, they remember his name. His poll numbers increase.
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