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Jan 18th 2022
The kids were snickering over their phone.

Me : What's funny?

Kid#2 : Akka's friend sent her a text.

OH : so what's so funny?

Kid#1 : She said "Heyyyyy", and I replied "hello"

Alright. Let's try this again. Someone says hey, someone replies hello and that's funny?
What did I miss?

Teenspeak 102

A 'heyyy', or a simple hey spelled with multiple 'y' is an enthusiastic greeting.

Replying to that with a hello is like giving someone the cut.

(Pardon me while I take a deep breath)
I make the mistake of asking why 'heyyyyy' merited a 'hello' as a response.

Apparently these characters aren't on talking terms.

So did 'hello' end the conversation?

It didn't. Since it was just 'hello' it was like an indifferent greeting.
Read 8 tweets
Jan 18th 2022

@ArunKrishnan_ and I like to think we have it easy when it comes to languages. Between us, we have a decent repertoire. Some are easy, some are challenging, but we manage to understand basics and make ourselves understood.

Some languages have us beaten hollow.
The biggest challenge is Teenspeak.
Teens say the darn'dest things.
When my older teen got her phone, there was some text exchange, and she replies ‘idk’ what on earth was that? I had to call her to find out. I really didnt know.
Another time her friends were discussing parents
Parents were being classified as salty, cool and lit. Linguistically, I couldn’t make out which one was comparative and which superlative.
Kid#2 periodically asks why I’m being salty. The other half asked her what she meant. ‘Duh.. she’s being salty, of course!’ says the brat.
Read 9 tweets

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