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Nov 19th 2022
Thirukural is smartly used in these 5 films to either further the story or to explain the film's core theme or to foreshadow what is coming.

Tamil Cinema & Thirukural: a short thread.

#Thirukural Image
1. Mudhalvan (1999)

In the iconic interview scene from this film, the CM is cornered by the interviewer with facts.

To save his dignity, the CM challenges the interviewer to take up his job for one day.

The hero panics at this unexpected twist.

The CM then utters Kural 691. ImageImage
"With fire,
Go too far & it doesn't warm you.
Come too close & it might burn you.
So, keep a safe distance with fire and kings"
- Kural 691

The interviewer had come too close to fire & is now facing the wrath of the king (CM).

An apt usage by dialogue writer Sujatha. Image
Read 13 tweets
Jan 15th 2021
@VPSecretariat Pls replace the white-washed version of the pic of the great Hindu sage #Thiruvallur with the below authentic pic. Image
As part of De-Indianising the Tamil traditions and peddle the Aryan-Dravidian divide (race theory) (North-South divide) ,first they attempted to de-link the Tamil language from Sanskrit with their false rhetorics.
Once that was somewhat successful , the colonial masters like G.U Pope translated the Tamil classic #Thirukural written by the great Hindu sage #Thiruvalluvar .As always the mistranslation had vested interests. Pope declared that #Thirukural was the result of Christian influence
Read 6 tweets

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