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Oct 13th 2021

#TheAgonies: #TigrayWarRapeVictims

THREAD: Western Tigray

Another day, another agony, a devastating story shared by a young #Tigrayan woman from a refugee camp in Sudan.

As I write her testimony, my heart is beating faster and and faster ...
@LaetitiaBader @jbgallopin
Few days ago, I wrote a lengthy thread about Christine, a teenager who was gang-raped by the Amhara Special Forces inside the compound of St Gabriel Orthodox Church at Humera town, Western Tigray.

Today, I write the story of Paula, another #Tigrayan woman.

Paula is originally from the town of Shire Endasilasie. She has witnessed the shelling of her hometown by the joint invading forces of @AbiyAhmedAli in November. She was there as the artillery shells were flying over her house and landing on households in the town.

Read 54 tweets
Oct 3rd 2021
THREAD: #WeaponizedRape
Yesterday, I promised to write a thread about a 19-yrs-old girl who I talked with on the phone. I couldn't get the courage to write about her b/se I was overwhelmingly devastated by her story. But, I have to tell her story to the world no matter what.
Christine is originally from #Maikadra town. She and her family had to flee their hometown when it was changed to a hell on November 11, 2020. They took refuge at Humera town. After some days, the Ethiopian Army & Amhara Forces entered Humera. @LaetitiaBader @RepMcCaul @hrw
The Amhara Forces were targeting every ethnic #Tigrayan and hence they abducted her dad. Life got tough for Christine, her mom, and her siblings in Humera town. But, she decided to take care of her family by selling coffee & tea across the main streets in Humera.
Read 28 tweets

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