Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #toothache

Most recents (2)

Jun 12th 2023
I feel Twitter is the best social media platform. It has tremendous social, educational and networking value.

Personally it has helped me create a lot of awareness about the importance of oral health and clear a lot of myths about my profession.

As an aside, it has enabled me
to help people in dental pain also.

What happened today was the best example of that.

I woke up to a few people tagging me in this tweet:
Read 4 tweets
May 13th 2021
#thread on the life cycle of a #toothache:

I am often asked the following questions:

1) Why should I see you when I don’t have pain?

2) Why should I get this cavity filled when it’s not hurting?

3) Why do I need a root canal when the tooth is not hurting?
4) Why does my tooth hurt so bad?

5) My tooth was hurting a lot but now it’s ok. Why do I need a root canal? Can’t you do a filling?

6) Won’t just taking antibiotics clean out this infection you are speaking about?

7) Why can’t you finish the root canal in one visit?
8) Why do u need this tooth taken out? Can’t you do a root canal?

I am a big believer in preventive medicine. As such it’s my job to educate the general public about all things teeth.

This is another thread towards that goal!
Read 27 tweets

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