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Jan 3rd 2023
Mario Nawful and Tate Bias

@MarioNawfal has positioned himself as a neutral party. He has ran a few Twitter spaces on Andrew Tate, is planning some more and had an interview scheduled with @Cobratate.

This thread is about his ‘journalism’ & recent bias posts about Tate. /1 Image
After the first space, a lot of people were upset about the biased nature of the space, where people such as @LayahHeilpern found it difficult to speak with some guests speaking over her.

But let’s see if Mario has been reporting in a fair manner. /2 Image
Mario posted an accusation made by a 16 year old against Andrew Tate to his 340k followers.

This is an example of Twitter trash journalism or it was nefariously produced by Mario.

Why were the following questions not raised before sharing this joke of an article? /3 ImageImageImage
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