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Feb 8th 2020
THE JUNIOR RODIGAN SHOW --- #Reggae #Dancehall #AfroBeats #YardGroove & More --- some brand new selections plus today's big tunes and golden classics you haven't heard in a while -- Tune In -- RT #BobMarley75…
Playlist :
1. Tribute to I Threes - @shugamusic_
2. Can You Feel Love - @Busspipe
3. Forgive Them Jah - @jahmessenjah #Luciano
4. Now & Forever - @jahmessenjah #Luciano
4. Inseparable - #DennisBrown
5. Bobby Socks & Stockings - #DennisBrown
6. Keep It Like It is - @ayshaloren
@shugamusic_ @Busspipe @jahmessenjah @ayshaloren playlist 2 :
7. Wide Awake In a Dream - #BarryBiggs
8. Queen - @KingMAStheRAS ft @BigShipEmpress
9. Crown - @KingMAStheRAS
10. Mr Rebel - @temsbaby #Tems 🇳🇬
11. Do Me Nice - @ShowDemCamp ft BUJU 🇳🇬
12. Heavy - @Jadakingdom
13. IDKW - @Rvssian ft @SHENYENG @SwaeLee @youngthug
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