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Dec 13th 2021
Do you know all of these nuances of #pleuraldisease? Why is an #empyema distinct from a complicated #parapneumoniceffusion? What is #contarinisyndrome #explosivepleuritis #chyliform #pseudochylous? Are all #chylothorax milky? #pccm #pulmcrit #pulmonary
#pleuraldisease is fascinating and nuanced. First step is #lightscriteria which give favor to finding #exudates which tend to be more urgent. You only need one criterion, which maximizes #sensitivity. Meaningless statement: "It's an exudate only by protein." One criterion=exudate
(Like on Tinder, the more criteria you require, the more you narrow your pool, compromising sensitivity for specificity.) Transudates I will skip over. Most common #exudate is #parapneumoniceffusion #PPE. If there is or is likely to be #pneumonia, it's PPE. Next task is to...
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