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#Agrivoltaisme #Thread

1/ L’Agrivoltaisme est-il une opportunité ou un risque pour le monde agricole? Une question qui fait actuellement débat plus généralement de la place du monde agricole dans la transition énergétique

#agriculture #energie #climat #transitions
2/ Il faut dire que l’actualité législative est brûlante: la loi d’accélération des énergies renouvelables vient tout juste d’être adoptée

Son but: rattraper le retard de la 🇫🇷 dans ses engagements à réduire ses émissions et atteindre la neutralité C…
3/ 💡Contexte important : la 🇫🇷 s’est engagée lors de l’accord de Paris en 2015 aux côtés de l’Europe et de 194 pays à lutter contre le réchauffement climatique en limitant considérablement ses émissions de GES ……
Read 27 tweets
Aujourd’hui, c’est la Journée internationale des droits des consommateurs : une bonne occasion de rappeler que le principal intermédiaire entre les consommateurs et ce qu’ils achètent, la #publicité, est très mal régulée.

Et c’est un gros problème. 🧶
Au Parlement européen, je suis membre de la commission du marché intérieur (@EP_SingleMarket) pour allier protection des consommateur·ices et transition écologique. Le gros morceau cette année c'est le "paquet sur l’économie circulaire", proposé par la Commission européenne 2/17
Ces textes sont notamment l’occasion de renforcer la fiabilité de la communication commerciale, en bannissant par exemple les pratiques de #greenwashing - un combat qui semble faire consensus au niveau citoyen. Nos débats montrent que c’est loin d’être le cas au Parlement... 3/17
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@PeteUK7 @threadreaderapp So sorry Pete to hear

We need NHS IPC to take this seriously

We need a public health national campaign #COVIDisAirborne

@helenh49 @ptsafetylearn
Listen to patient voices

FFP2S Minimum Respirators not Surgicals

@PeteUK7 @threadreaderapp @helenh49 @ptsafetylearn We need #COVIDisAirborne
Public health campaign
& action from NHS IPC

All HCWs
& Patients

A #CleanAir public health campaign
@doctorshaib @DoctorsInUnite @UK_CleanAir Prof Stephen Holgate @docjon55
@SteveJamieson12 @KGadhok

@PeteUK7 @threadreaderapp @helenh49 @ptsafetylearn @doctorshaib @DoctorsInUnite @UK_CleanAir @docjon55 @SteveJamieson12 @KGadhok Reminder
On induction NHS
HCWs are instructed HOW to wash hands
Explained risk of infection MRSA

Are HCWs given instructn
On Airborne transmission? What are the risks of COVID infection?
We need a conversation
#CleanAir 4Healthcare
Read 13 tweets
🛑 Nouvelle illustration de l’infiltration des islamistes au sein des institutions européennes :
➡️ L’#ENAR et des parlementaires européens de gauche et de Renew Europe (groupe auquel appartient #LREM) organisent une semaine sur l’anti-racisme et la diversité. 1/3
Problème : derrière ces thèmes consensuels se retrouve donc l’#ENAR, une association qui regroupe différentes organisations de la mouvance des Frères Musulmans, comme le #CCIE (l’ancien #CCIF, dissous pour islamisme). 2/3
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Thread 🧵. Visto che di elezioni regionali italiane si è già parlato, oggi voglio condividere una breve analisi su un appuntamento elettorale del week end avvenuto in #Germania, nella città-land di #Berlino, che ha dato interessanti spunti in vista delle europee 2024. 1/
I cristiani-democratici della #CDU hanno vinto chiaramente, distaccando sia socialisti #SPD che Verdi, membri della coalizione di governo uscente insieme all'estrema sinistra della #Linke. I liberali dell'#FDP non sono riusciti a raggiungere lo sbarramento del 5%. 2/
Il primo dato chiaro è che la coalizione al governo federale (#SPD, #Verdi e #FDP) si conferma quindi dannosa per tutti e tre i partiti che la formano. I matrimoni contro natura non funzionano, soprattutto per i liberali, che perdono voti a favore di #CDU e #AfD. 3/
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Everyone, this is a thread about the work that people at @Enhesa have done in research on EHS legislation, upcoming changes, insights and trends.

Please give a like and a share if you think this can be useful for someone in your circles.

#EHS #EHScompliance #ESG #industrial
There’s been a lot of talk about ramping up energy efficiency in the EU. Now revisions are on their way. Read what to expect in 2023.

Read all about it in this article by @Beatriz Barbieri

#netzero #sustainability #energyefficiency #eu…
EHS regulations spotlight: Serious Accident Punishment Act: Dive deeper into one of today’s standout EHS regulations and what its regulatory changes mean for businesses operating in South Korea.

#EHS #EHSCompliance #Seriousaccidents…
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COVID 2020 #TrumpVirus🦠
👉 Jan26: Schumer req COVID emergency
👉 1-27: Biden Op-ed warned
☠️ 1-29: WH/Navarro grim memo
👉 1-30: WHO declared emergency
☠️ Feb6: 1st Death🦠
😷 2-7: Sent 18Tons #PPE China/etc
🦠 2-28: Trump 'Hoax'
🦠 Mar19: Woodward Tapes
May 7, 2020: COVID Timeline (historical reference)
🧐 Woodward Tapes w/ Trump on COVID19
3-19-20 “I wanted to always play it down”

9-20 Carl Bernstein: Woodward's Trump tapes smoking gun of homicidal negligence

🦠‘This is deadly stuff’………
Read 20 tweets
#QatarGate : La démagogie habituelle des encartés est grotesque!
Alors que cette affaire va dégueler sur TOUS leurs Partis de merde (pléonasme).
Surtout quand leurs "Groupes/Partis" sont pourtant les plus réfractaires aux Débat & Résolution de "SOUPÇONS de Corruption".
Débat & Résolution de "Soupçon de corruption…" #QatarGate demandés par #Aubry #GUE (Gôche Socialo-Communiste, Euro-Soviétique^^) & #Kanko #CRE (Drouate Conservatrice, Euro-Nationaliste) y ajoutant de parler de "Corruption manifeste" plutôt que "Soupçons" & un vote nominal.
2/15 Manon #Aubry du parti #LFI "Attrape-tout" ÉcosociAssita #Kanko du Parti Belge N-VA "pro-flamand" &
"Débat" adopté par le parlement.
Débat #QatarGate fixé au Mardi 13 décembre après-midi.

366 POUR.
11 CONTRE : 1 #RenewEurope + 9 #CRE/ECR + 1 NI (Non Inscrits).
3 Abstentions : 2 Non-Inscrits + 1 CRE/ECR.

325 Absents (Essentiellement #PPE, CRE & #SD).

3/15 Résultat et répartition du vote pour/contre un débat sur Composition par Groupes du Parlement Européen au 12.12.2022
Read 17 tweets
We work directly with our warehouse teams across China, Singapore and management partners CENSEI Medical Ltd based in the US and UK to manage all logistics and client communications. #PPE……



son of the late renowned scientist, Dr. Masaru Emoto
The Dalai Lama is a benefactor at Stanford’s Center for Compassion and Altruism Research and Education…

Founder James Doty…
Read 5 tweets
Infection prevention & control #IPC & #sustainability - a thread inspired by #ACIPC22
🦠🌏🧵 (1/17)
Prof Brett Mitchell highlighted the issue of #IPC #waste in his plenary @1healthau #ACIPC22
Finding #sustainable solutions is clearly important to the #IPC community… #ACIPC22
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Also, fangen wir mal hinten an, Ich werde jetzt nach und nach #Literatur zu den #Luftreinigern twittern, um die Diskussion zu substantivieren.

I'll do that mainly in English, at times in German.

Let's start. (AC-1) Nature News, October 2021.
1 Image
Of course, this is only a #News article in @Nature. The paper, at that time only a preprint, now appeared here:

AC-2 =
2 Image
In this work, authos state "Here we present
the first data providing evidence for the removal of SARS-CoV-2 and microbial bioaerosols from the air using portable air filters with UV sterilization on a COVID-19 ward."

I think this is true, in the paper actually particles...
Read 128 tweets
✨⬆️ #Paris ⬆️✨

#FaitesduNucléaire, final de l'édition 2022, on y est ⚛️💪

La tournée Dieppe 🪁 Strasbourg 🇪🇺 & Lyon 🐻‍❄️ de cette rentrée nous a motivé comme jamais à mobiliser pour le #climat et notre avenir énergétique 🌍

Vous êtes prêts ? #seasonfinal 🎬 Image
Pour nous trouver place de la République, ralliez-vous à la bannière 🎏

#FaitesduNucléaire #Paris Image
La fusion nucléaire est avec nous pour chauffer l'ambiance ☀️😎 Image
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I don’t know where to start with this profoundly ignorant selfish stupid tweet from @EstherMcVey1 who clearly has no compassion for the 100,000s of people who died or were damaged by #COVID19Pandemic - not least those unprotected in the #NHS due to lack of #PPE early on 1/
#masks do work. We reduced transmission in in centre #haemodialysis #patients radically once they wore masks door to door. 3% of all such #patients died in the first wave Esther & we were told off for giving them masks. 80+ #patients died at our centre alone. It was brutal 2/
Don’t take my word for it (though I’m way more expert than you @EstherMcVey1) - read this thread from @trishgreenhalgh who is a world expert on how #Covid19 is airborne & how #masks protect yourself AND others

And the please correct your dangerous ignorant tweet 3/
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1/ Between 2020 and the first half of 2022, our #healthcare business has grown 267%. Our impact scales far beyond #COVID19 response. @PalantirTech is the most comprehensive health tech startup you’ve never heard of. 🧵
2/ At #Palantir, our health & life sciences customers are on the frontlines of the toughest #publichealth challenges. We work with leading institutions to solve their hardest problems - from drug discovery to care delivery - at speed.
3/ At the @NIH, our software accelerates critical research. The Covid Cohort Collective (#N3C) used Foundry to analyze an unprecedented collection of EHRs available for #COVID19 research to better understand long COVID. Analysis that once took months can now be done in hours.
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Dear #hr in #niin #ksom #usc, I know you are busy,but could you spend 8 mins on my emails pls? I sent 6 emails from April to June, and called you every day this week, but I didn’t get any reply. #neuroscience EAD will be expired at 07/10😩@USC @KeckMedUSC @KECKSchool_USC @USCNIIN ImageImageImageImage
Thanks,friends in #twitter in #niin,#ksom, #usc, in #neuroscience, #neuroimaging, #neuroradiology. I really appreciate your support. I got the email this afternoon. It’s my fault. Even leave, leave with pride, grace, and gratitude, no regret. The 4 yrs will be the best memory in Image
my life, although it is also the hardest 4 yrs. Hope other colleagues could take my lessons, and prepare everything earlier in the future.
Read 31 tweets
Chissà se tra qualche anno, quando i nodi di queste norme verranno al pettine, qualcuno si andrà a vedere chi, in quel Giugno 2022, votò contro certe cose...…
Senza neutralità tecnologica e alternative a impatto zero subito disponibili, #ETS, nei fatti, si imporrà come una tassa alla produzione: l'#UE ha deciso di ignorare tutte le proposte alternative e ci porta dritti verso una transizione ecologica che avrà un forte impatto sociale.
La dipendenza dalla #Cina aumenterà e diminuirà fortemente la competitività del nostro sistema produttivo rispetto al resto del mondo che ha, infatti, scelto di percorrere strade diverse.
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🚨NEW 🚨

The High Court has granted us permission to challenge the Government's decision to continue doing business with #Supermax, the Malaysian #PPE glove manufacturer with a documented history of slavery in its supply chains.

This is why it matters ⬇️
Thanks to @WilsonsLondon for their legal assistance, and to you, @allthecitizens, for your invaluable support.

If you want to help us sustain the costs of this legal challenge, you can donate here
Our legal action has been covered on @TimesRadio by the brilliant by @MattChorley, who interviewed @WilsonsLondon's partner Nusrat Uddin on the case.

Have a listen here - it's the first 4 mins!…
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1/14 I hesitated at voicing my opinion on this rather contentious issue…

But I feel that without individual testimonies, we will fail to understand why some GPs (myself included) feel mainstream primary care is no longer for them.

@HelenRSalisbury @MartinRCGP @rcgp
2/ Obvs the relentless vilification from the MSM hasn’t helped, esp the claim by some that the number of ‘part-time’ GPs is the problem.

Those on the inside know that a typical day is 11-12hrs long & a ‘half-day’ is regularly 7-8, but hey, let’s not let facts get in the way.
3/ & I don’t suppose those of us who volunteered to work f2f in acute #COVID services within the community in spring 2020 will forget that our pleas for effective #PPE were repeatedly ignored & dismissed by govt, PHE, NHSE, HSE & senior advisors.

@CMO_England @MattHancock @UKHSA
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🧵 If the use of airborne #PPE & improving air quality in healthcare settings are to be ‘optional’ & ‘a matter of personal choice’, then we should give strong consideration to applying the same rule to the following #MedTwitter #MedEd #TeamGP 1/n
1. Handwashing before, between & after patients (& audits of it)
2. Plastic gloves & aprons
3. ‘Bare below the elbows’
4. Jewellery
5. Hair above the collar
6. Mandatory training
If you are recoiling in horror because
1. ‘Airborne transmission of COVID is controversial’
2. ‘The above are established evidence-based practices’
3. ‘COVID is mild, we can’t avoid it, we have to learn to live with it, we’re all vaccinated now anyway’,
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What I have learned since being unwell myself has destroyed any faith I had in my profession’s leaders. I used to think that deep down most senior clinicians acted because they had the best interests of the patient, their colleagues & society at heart. That illusion is gone. 1/n
Be it the treatment of those with #MECFS #LongCovid #Fibromyalgia #POTS #MCAS #EDS #HSD #PansPandas #Lyme #FQtoxicity #vaccineinjuries & other so-called invisible illnesses; 2/n
the refusal of senior medics to stand up & protect colleagues, the public & schoolchildren from airborne spread of #SARSCoV2 as they are too afraid to displease those in the ivory towers of infection control, @UKHSA & @NHSE management & @UKgovcomms; 3/n
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[#BreakingNews] L'#eolien et le #solaire en 2021/22, ce sont 14,4 Mds€ de revenus en plus pour l'Etat ! Une nouvelle ressource bienvenue pour financer la limitation des prix de l’électricité à 4% et protéger le #pouvoirdachat des 🇫🇷.
On vous explique 🧵 #Thread (1/7) 👇
Une taxe existe pour soutenir les #EnR en fonction des prix du marché ➡️ #CSPE. Avec la crise de l'#énergie les prix ne cessent de grimper. Les taxes sont en même temps revues à la baisse par @CRE_energie. Pourquoi à la baisse ? Parce que les #EnR auj. rapportent à l'Etat (2/7)
En France il existe un mécanisme #GagnantGagnant pour l'#éolien et l'Etat : le complément de rémunération. Il permet un soutien public vers les #EnR en 🇫🇷 et fixe un prix cible lors des appels d'offres. Voici comment cela fonctionne ⬇️ (3/7)
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1/🧵about #NHS culture and being liberated;many of you know me or follow me for leading the #Bolton #covidvaccine programme. What many don’t know was that on March 23rd 2020 the day we went into first #lockdown I stepped up from deputy To interim clinical director @BoltonCCG
2/working from home armed with a laptop and a mobile like many I began to meet and run meetings with the ‘system’ to respond to the #pandemic. At the start we met daily. All of us apprehensive. First task? Empty the hospital beds. I thought it was all a bit dramatic. At first.
3/battled for #PPE we didn’t have,thought of imaginative ways to pipe more oxygen into wards, we increased homecare beds to get people moving quicker, planned for mortuary space we soon were to need; we were doing #NHS things we’d never imagined at a speed never before possible
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The @CDCgov is listening! Today, @EthnicMediaSvc hosts a roundtable with Bhutanese, Burmese, and Uyghur refugees and how these communities have managed the pandemic. #refugees #COVID19 #healthequity #publichealth #RIM
Speakers include: Faustina Palmatier, Karen Society of Buffalo; Aung M. Naing, President and Co-founder, Network of Myanmar American Associations @netmaa Sudarshan Pyakurel, Executive Director, Bhutanese Community of Central Ohio
Also: Parshuram Chamlagai: Bhutanese Community Association of Pittsburgh; Omer Kanat, Founder and President, Uyghur Human Rights Project @Omerkanat1 @uyghurproject
Read 27 tweets

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