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Dec 30th 2018
So, wanna hear some stuff?
You don’t but, possibly - I guess - should.
I'm torn between my desire to inform and desire not to scare the whatsis out of anyone.
I'll just go finish my morning cup of tea now...
#CyberAttack #transformerexplosion
SO, NYC transformer issue which shut down LaGuardia airport. And 911 went down in 37 States, from Louisiana-based CenturyLink where nearby #transformerexplosion. Same day.
Also a cyberattack from outside US, on a swathe of newspapers.
And that was just this week.
All during the government shutdown. #TrumpShutown
& James Mattis & John Kelly (#AdultsInTheRoom) both leave the Administration this week
(Also, sidetone, remember when a nationwide test headed “Presidential Alert” was sent emergency to ALL our cellphones in October?)
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