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Oct 21st 2019
Bioventix #BVXP and Arcontech #ARC

1% to 2% and 1% to ~0% respectively Image
Drawn out sales cycles are one feature of the Arcontech #ARC business but here is another: increases operating margins from 32% to 37% despite a depreciation charge almost 9x higher and with cash required for investment running to about the cost of a 10 year old Mercedes.
Tracsis #TRCS update today and it's beyond a stretch to say they're in the BVXP / ARC club but for a few years in the early 2010s when rail tech was the entire company, it wasn't too far off.

These figures are from 12/13 but from 2008-10 their capex was £3000, £6000 and £9000 Image
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