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May 21st 2020
Chevron is the largest greenhouse gas emitting private company in history and continues to fight against international commitments to curb emissions. @Chevron should commit to the Paris Agreement’s goal of net zero by 2050. #AntiChevronDay #TrueCostOfChevron Image
.@Chevron deliberately dumped 16 billion gallons of toxic oil waste into the Ecuadorian Amazon, lost a $9.5 billion lawsuit yet refuses to pay to clean it up! #AntiChevron #TrueCostOfChevron #ChevronToxico #DiaAntiChevron
When a Chevron natural gas well exploded in PA, killing one worker and injuring another? @Chevron “offered a token of appreciation” to neighbors who were affected by the event: ONE free Pizza. Thanks Chevron. #AntiChevronDay #TrueCostOfChevron #ChevronToxico
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