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Sep 6th 2020
How bad a president is @RealDonaldTrump? Let me count the ways:
1.#DerangedDonald: Thinks windmills cause cancer
2.Thinks nuclear bombs stop hurricanes
3.Still thinks the hurricane is going to Alabama
4.Thinks UV light and bleach stop C29
5.Thinks QAnon followers are OK
6.Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV
7.#TrumpsNotWell: Can’t walk down a ramp
8.Needs two hands to drink water
9.Slurs his words
10.Won’t release his medical records
11. #PutinsPuppet: Took Putin’s word in Helskinki over the ICs
12.Shared Israelis secrets with Russia
13.Is taking troops out of Germany
14.Won’t support democracy in Belarus
15.50+ days an no response to Russian bounties on US soldiers
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