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Mar 19th 2023
What's driven me to the point where I am insulting fellow humans for their ignorance is utter desperation at the lack of integrity by those advocating for ideas which will have as consequence that more humans will die.

I ask forgiveness for how my behaviour reflects on me AND
I'm using the tactic to get people to their truth.

The use of ivermectin is a great way to show how all this works because like HCQ, despite thousands of studies the only clear and credible evidence we have is that it is does not work.…
There are more credible randomised studies but for now this one is the best we have. What is revealing is that you will not find a single person promoting Ivermectin will ever reference it. The kingpin off the Ivermectin propaganda is of course @PierreKory.

Find it in his data?
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