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Jun 8th 2021
Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour detected on Pakistani Twitter.
Last week, 3 hashtags trended on top panel in Pak.
#1 #PakistanStandsWithShahab
#2 #IstandwithHamidMir
#3 #IstandWithAsmaShirazi
First one was propagated inorganically.
23,000 tweets were sent with #1 by 7,500 users. 11,500 tweets with #2 by 6500 users & 20,000 tweets with #3 by 10,500 users.
The network analysis reveals that tweeps engaged in propagating #1 were involved in Coordinated Inauthentic Behaviour (CIB). Dense connections
along with higher %age of retweets among tweeps in #1 reflect deep online connections they had and their organised effort to propagate the # inorganically.
In case of #2 & #3 there were few individuals who sent tweets beyond normal limits but the SNA didn't reflect any organised
Read 9 tweets

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