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Short translation from Twst the Novel, Episode 1, The Crimson Tyrant #twstnovel

The unstable situation at Heartslabyul has led to this, a duel between Ace, Deuce and Riddle.

Cater makes one, final bid to stop it, while Yuuya finds himself more involved than he'd anticipated.
“‘When I first heard that the two of you were challenging me to a duel, I could scarcely believe it. You are serious?’


‘I would never call for a duel as a joke.’

‘I see. Claiming that it was in jest would have been the smarter thing to do, of course.’"
"Slightly beyond where the three stand together—almost directly across from Yuuya—is Cater, raising his hand from within the gathered crowd.

‘Riddle-kun, what should we do about the afternoon tea?’"
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Short translation from the Twst novel: Culture Shock

Some NRC information and emphasis on how foreign everything is to the protagonist through comparisons of how very different school systems overseas (and in other dimensions?) are when compared to those in Japan.

"The ghosts say there are more than 800 students at Night Raven College.

That’s about the same number that attend Yuuya’s own high school--or maybe slightly more."
"Given its prestigiousness Yuuya had assumed that there would be fewer people enrolled, but he also heard that this is a four-year school.

Compared with Yuuya’s high school, that’s an additional year of schooling."
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